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L’appel Du Vide, Fashion Editorial

Creative Direction & Styling 

Kai M. Huntoon

Gracie Smith

Published In TREND Magazine:

Issue 34; Mercurial


Edgar Zaragoza

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L’appel Du Vide By Kai M Huntoon & Gracie Smith

L’appel Du Vide (French), Call of the Void (English Translation)

Uncomfortably empty spaces, abandoned bodies, and souls covered in liquid metal, preparing for war. The use of piercings and body altering prosthetics protect our inner sanity from the predators that lurk in the shadows. We take precautons to protect ourselves from the elements, but fail to remember that our biggest monster is found in a miror reflection. We have failed to protect ourselves from our own mind. For so long we have been hyperfixated on the absence of things in our lives, whether that be people or objects. In the failure to fill these voids in our hearts and lives we cover ourselves in turmoil searching for something to give us the rush of adrenaline that we once had. In a world where the only thing that matters is protecting ourselves from our own thoughts, as a viewer you are transported into your worst nightmare, in a time where self character is broken.

L'appel du vide focuses on dark, ornate and modern silhouettes, alen-punk like styling, the purposeful use of uncomfortable visual elements, and the lack of vulnerability we face in a futuristic society due to the voids that assasinate our minds. "L'appel du vide allows us to focus on visual futurism, and connect with the things that haunt our future selves.

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