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RADAR, Fashion Cover Editorial

Creative Direction & Styling 

Kai M. Huntoon

Lucille Roelle 

Mia Kawamitsu

Emma Lutz

Published In TREND Magazine: Cover Story

Issue 35; RADAR


A.West Photography & Design

Lydia Grizzle Photo


RADAR By Kai M Huntoon, Lucille Roelle, Emma Lutz & Mia Kawamitsu

In our ever-present world, a striking juxtaposition emerges as we witness strides made in technology and innovation while simultaneously finding ourselves ensnared in an inescapable cycle of fashion trends, political pat- terns, and historical echoes resurfacing In our present society. This phenomenon of repetitive cycles is reminiscent of the palindrome “RADAR,” which reads the same forward and backward, under- scoring the enduring nature of these patterns. Just as shifts in the weather can be predicted by looking to the past, can we also anticipate the events that lie ahead? Or are we fated to encounter them, unable to evade their inescapable grip?

In a media landscape increasingly plagued by misin- formation, trust becomes elusive, making it challeng- ing to discern whether we are still progressing toward transformative change and justice. RADAR signals us to awaken to the dangerous cycles that cloud our reali- ty. Constantly challenged as history attempts to repeat itself, we are called to instigate shifts that alter our trajectory, throwing our cycle off its regulated radial velocity. “We are the variable; transmitted by pulse and received by echo.”

Drawing inspiration from creatives such as visionary film director Wes Anderson and his use of bright colors and unique framing to portray dark themes, TREND’s thirty-fifth issue explores the need to derail the repeti- tive harm, polarization, and injustice that bleed into our present–challenges we have fought hard to overcome. Patterns and parallels are littered everywhere, and fashion is no stranger to the resurgence of styles mirroring political cycles and our social state as fashion allows us to express ourselves, our identities, and our stances on many issues. Join us in the realm of RADAR as we seek to disrupt the coalescence of history, fashion, art, politics, and emotion, unraveling their relentless rhythm.

RADAR, Style Guide & Concept Development 

Curated & Designed By Kai M Huntoon

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